Effect of Video Assisted Education on Cervical Cancer on Learning outcomes among Married Women in a Selected Anganwadies under Mundur Phc, Palakkad-Kerala

Author Details

Josephine Jacquline Mary. N. I, Rashmi Kundapur

Journal Details


Published: 30 July 2018 | Article Type :


Worldwide, cervical cancer is both the fourth-most common cause of cancer and the cause of death from cancer in women. This study was aimed to “Evaluate the effect of video assisted education on cervical cancer on learning outcomes among married women in selected anganwadies under mundur PHC. The objectives of the study were, to assess the learning outcomes on cervical cancer among married women before video assisted teaching programme, evaluate the effect of video assisted education on cervical cancer on learning outcomes among married women, to identify association between the selected demographic variable and the learning outcomes of married women regarding cervical cancer. The study was conducted at selected anganwadies under mundur PHC, from there 50 married women who satisfied inclusion criteria were selected by simple random sampling. The research approach was Quantitative and the design adopted was quasi experimental one group pretest posttest design. The technique used for data collection was self-reporting and assessment of socio personal variables. The tool used was structured questionnaire for assessment of socio personal variables and learning outcomes regarding cervical cancer after pretesting for the feasibility. Then the video assisted education on cervical cancer was given to the selected married women. Then the post test was conducted after 7 days. The collected data was analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics.Findings of the study shows before video assisted teaching, all the samples had poor knowledge where as after video assisted teaching programme 96% have adequate knowledge and 4% had moderate knowledge.Similarly before video assisted teaching programme 86% had poor attitude regarding cervical cancer and prevention and 14% had moderate attitude where as after video assisted teaching programe 70% gained good attitude and 30% had moderate attitude.Majority of the samples showed moderate practice both before and after video assisted teaching programme. Majority of subjects are not willing to undergo cervical cancer screening due to the unwillingness of their husbands(60%). 10% subjects think that it is painful and 10% think that they are healthy both before and after the video assisted teaching. The following major characteristics of the samples shows that, the present study findings emphasize the need for routine screening programmes, health awareness programmes and promotion of healthy habits of living among married women in the rural communities.

Keywords: Learning out comes, Cervical Cancer, video assisted education.

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How to Cite


Josephine Jacquline Mary. N. I, Rashmi Kundapur. (2018-07-30). "Effect of Video Assisted Education on Cervical Cancer on Learning outcomes among Married Women in a Selected Anganwadies under Mundur Phc, Palakkad-Kerala." *Volume 1*, 1, 8-17